Its been a long time…

I don’t know about you, but if you’ve ever dabbled with blogs or construction of your own website, it can seem so exciting at the start of the process. But, as time goes on, that excitement may wane for various reasons such as, having no real time to do it, work commitments, or just plain getting bored with it. I’m not sure at what point I hit a bit of a blog-wall, but since its January again, I’ve decided to be a bit more committed to it!

So I’ll be posting ad-hoc from now on with various stuff I find on the web – hopefully something will pique your interest…

First up, music worth listening to: Karen O & Danger Mouse – LUX PRIMA

Next, something to play with (may depend on your browser being compatible, but Chrome works fine) – Choir:

These new augmented reality glasses caught my eye in the reports from CES 2019 – nreal ( OK, they are tethered to a small power/computer pack but I’m starting to flex to this idea if, for now, this approach builds a more mainstream following.

Finally, things go bad when the US Government stops paying its employees whose job it is to renew TLS certs. For example, this U.S. Department of Justice website isn’t up to scratch according to Chrome:

There’s plenty of ways to automate this stuff, so I’m surprised this goes on.

Back soon with more stuff like this.

David Taylor

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